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Important Meeting-Planning Commission-CAPS on Vacation Rentals and Exclusion Zones Proposed

March 16, 2023

March 16, 2023



We believe CAPS on Vacation Rentals are a CAP on the economy and jobs in our county. The County wants to limit the number of new licenses per person, which by itself seems fair and sufficient. CAPS take away the rights of homeowners to use their homes as Vacation Rentals for all or part of the year. 


The County of Sonoma is proposing to rezone certain parcels to add the Vacation Rental Exclusion (X) Combining Zone, Vacation Rental 5% Cap (X5) Combining Zone, or Vacation Rental 10% Cap (10x) Combining Zone as directed by the Board of Supervisors. The agenda is here, meeting materials are here.


The planning commission will consider rezoning certain properties to restrict or exclude Vacation Rentals, which will have an effect on homeowners' ability to establish a new vacation rental. This rezoning will not restrict continued operation of an existing permitted rental.


The following areas are affected by this rezoning:

1. Vacation rental Exclusion (X) Combining Zone applied to certain parcels within the Gates Road, Glen Ellen, Hughes Chicken Colony, Kenwood, Palmer Avenue, Theodore Lane, and Waldrue Heights neighborhoods within the 1st Supervisorial District.

2. Vacation Rental Exclusion (X) Combining Zone applied to certain parcels within the Armstrong Woods Road, Drake Road, Guernwood Park, and Neeley Road neighborhoods in the 5th Supervisorial District.

3. Vacation Rental 5% Cap (X5) Combining Zone applied to certain parcels within the Chiquita Road and Norton Road neighborhoods in the 4th Supervisorial District.

4. Vacation Rental 5% Cap (X5) Combining Zone applied to certain parcels within the Austin Creek, Hacienda, Monte Rio, Northwood, Rio Dell, Summerhome Park, and Villa Grande neighborhoods in the 5th Supervisorial District.

5. Replace the current Vacation Rental Exclusion (X) Combining Zone in the Fitch Mountain neighborhood with a Vacation Rental 10% Cap (X10) Combining Zone and expand the rezoned area to include all parcels between the Russian River and the City of Healdsburg in the 4th Supervisorial District.


WE NEED YOUR VOICES TO BE HEARD by telling your story. 


1. YOUR STORY: For those of you that rent out your house sometimes to families or groups, we need them to hear how this helps your family with much needed income. Examples might include teachers who travel during the summer but want to stay living in the community, retirees who sometimes fly off to see grandchildren, or perhaps you need the space for family to visit sometimes, and other times you need the income, or perhaps you need the funds for much needed repairs. For those of you with second homes, does this income help you keep and maintain your home, but you use it as a place to rest with your own family and friends sometimes.

2. VENDOR STORIES: Housekeepers, gardeners, pool cleaners, electricians, plumbers, appliance repair, and other maintenance people benefit from this activity. We need to hear their stories. As one example, with Short-Term Rentals, house cleaners earn a higher hourly wage on average, and have more frequent work. THIS IS A VALUABLE part of our economy that the council needs to hear. Please ask your vendors to voice their stories as well. 

3. LOCAL COMMERCE STORIES: Do you refer your guests to restaurants, wineries, breweries, cafés, gift shops and other local establishments that benefit from your hosting? If so, please urge them to lift their voices with yours.

4. NEIGHBORS STORIES: Invite supportive neighbors you have a great relationship with to share their positive experiences with your property in a letter to the Town Council or in person!

5. GUEST STORIES: Have you hosted families after a local disaster? Have them share how your non-hosted rental provided immediate lodging when they lost their home or sought shelter after one of our fires or floods.

You can write your Public Comment to the Planning Commission, and most importantly, WE NEED YOU TO ATTEND THE MEETING AND MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT. 



Public comments can be submitted via email to the Project Planner Gary Helfrich by March 15, 5:00 p.m.



March 16, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.

Board of Supervisors Chambers

575 Administration Drive 102A

Santa Rosa, CA 95405

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