The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will be having several meetings during April and May that will determine the future of vacation rentals. We need your comments and participation to make sure your voices are heard.
All the meetings will take place at the Board of Supervisors Chamber in Santa Rosa at 575 Administration Drive 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95405.
We need your comments to the entire board here:
Review Transient Occupancy Tax Board Established Financial Policies.
The Board of Supervisors will consider additional review of Transient Occupancy Tax policies as part of budget development deliberation as part of county Budget Workshops scheduled to occur from 4/22/24 to 4/24/24.
Agenda and documents for the meeting, can be found as notes from Board of Supervisors 1/9/2024 Meeting Notes.
As the workshops gets closer watch the Board of Supervisors Calendar Page for more detail on which day the Transient Occupancy Tax policy workshop will be held.
You can write your Public Comment to the Board of Supervisors, and most importantly,
EMAIL:Public comments can be submitted via email to Board of Supervisors at
April 22, 2024 to April 24, 2024
Board of Supervisors Chambers
575 Administration Drive 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Vacation Rental Update and Establish Vacation Rental Advertising Enforcement Component.
Permit Sonoma staff will provide an update to the Vacation Rental Ordinance as well as an update to Establish a Vacation Rental Advertising Enforcement Component.
Agenda and documents for the meeting, can be found as notes from Board of Supervisors 1/9/2024 Meeting Notes.
We believe the Supervisors may consider rezoning certain properties to restrict or exclude Vacation Rentals, which will have an effect on homeowners' ability to establish a new vacation rental.
There should also be an update from Permit Sonoma (PRMD) to the Supervisors about how the vacation rental license program is working – which will be a great opportunity for hosts to give feedback on lighting requirements, LLC ownership, and other topics important to the home sharing community.
Where To Find The Agenda Item
Agenda and documents for the meeting, can be found here.
To see the Meeting Agenda with this agenda item, change your calendar view to March and select the March 5 Agenda file. (Here is a link to the Agenda PDF)
WE NEED YOUR VOICES TO BE HEARD by telling your story.
1. YOUR STORY: For those of you that rent out your house sometimes to families or groups, we need them to hear how this helps your family with much needed income. Examples might include teachers who travel during the summer but want to stay living in the community, retirees who sometimes fly off to see grandchildren, or perhaps you need the space for family to visit sometimes, and other times you need the income, or perhaps you need the funds for much needed repairs. For those of you with second homes, does this income help you keep and maintain your home, but you use it as a place to rest with your own family and friends sometimes.
2. VENDOR STORIES: Housekeepers, gardeners, pool cleaners, electricians, plumbers, appliance repair, and other maintenance people benefit from this activity. We need to hear their stories. As one example, with Short-Term Rentals, house cleaners earn a higher hourly wage on average, and have more frequent work. THIS IS A VALUABLE part of our economy that the council needs to hear. Please ask your vendors to voice their stories as well.
3. LOCAL COMMERCE STORIES: Do you refer your guests to restaurants, wineries, breweries, cafés, gift shops and other local establishments that benefit from your hosting? If so, please urge them to lift their voices with yours.
4. NEIGHBORS STORIES: Invite supportive neighbors you have a great relationship with to share their positive experiences with your property in a letter to the Supervisors' or in person!
5. GUEST STORIES: Have you hosted families after a local disaster? Have them share how your non-hosted rental provided immediate lodging when they lost their home or sought shelter after one of our fires or floods.
You can write your Public Comment to the Board of Supervisors, and most importantly, WE NEED YOU TO ATTEND THE MEETING AND MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT.
Comments, to the entire Board at
Board of Supervisors Chambers
575 Administration Drive 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Local Coastal Plan
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will once again, look at the Local Coastal Plan.
The Local Coastal Plan will then go to the Coastal Commission for review and certification in a public hearing. The Coastal Commission's calendar can be viewed here.
Agenda and documents for the May 17th meeting, can be found
Detailed on Board of Supervisor meetings are typically published 72 hours in advance. Possible agenda items for future meetings can be seen by viewing the most recently published agenda item.
SCCH supports all coastal zone homeowners having the option to choose how they wish to purpose their home, and the County should not prohibit lower cost housing from being used as a vacation rental, as the cost of other properties that are higher value, will ultimately price low to moderate income families from enjoying the coast. This will help ensure maximum public access because without lower cost visitor serving facilities, members of the public with low or moderate incomes would be more limited in their ability to access and enjoy the coast. Creating an ordinance that only allows wealthy homes to be used as vacation rentals, only allows the wealthy to stay in Sonoma County.
If you own a home in the Coastal Zone or want to get involved and lend your support locally, please visit our friends at: Sonoma Coast Vacation Rental Owners, or The Sea Ranch Hosting Coalition.
PUBLIC COMMENTS can be made via email and in person. Please include agenda item #.
Comments, to the entire Board at
Board of Supervisors Chambers
575 Administration Drive 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Where to find us:
Sonoma County, California, United States
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