Since I’ve been opening my home to short-term guests for about 6+ years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting people from all over world. In fact, as I write, I have a couple from Poland, a couple from South Korea and a woman from Concord CA. staying in my home. How I become host was totally by chance. Let me explain:
In August of 2013, my partner retired from CalFire with post-traumatic stress disorder and decided to move to Hawaii. I was left to pay all the bills and support our son and disabled nephew who lived with me. When friends visited, I showed them my home. They commented, “WOW…Your home looks so nice, have you ever thought about opening up a bed and breakfast?”
I told them, “I’ve actually thought about it, but don’t know where to start.”
“There’s this website called Airbnb,” they said, “Where regular people can list a room they have available.” So, that day I bought a camera, took pictures of my home and put them up on Airbnb. By that Friday I was completely full…and I’ve been able to support myself and entire family ever since.
Fast forward to 2019, my partner has moved back, and together we’ve found new happiness sharing our home with Airbnb guests. My story is just one among many. For the vast majority of hosts I know, this is an economic lifeline to keep their own housing affordable. Without this, many would struggle to pay their bills. I’m happy to share that my experience with the City of Santa Rosa has been wonderful, as they have developed clear and effective guidelines that make compliance easy.
While not every guest has been from an exotic place, they have all been wonderful. So, if you have the slightest inkling to give hosting a try…I highly recommend you do. If I can do this…you can too!